
Investor Relations

Name Position Date of Employment Introduction
Ding Bing General manager November 2017 Master's degree. From 2009 to 2013, he received a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the School of Biology arChemical Engineering, lowa State University, from 2013 to 2014, he received a master's degree in chemical engineering from ComeUniversity's School of Chemical Engineering. n 2016, he was named "Jiujiang Top Ten Outstanding Youth", in 2017, he was awarde the "Double Hundred and Double Thousand Talents Project" in Jiujang City as a leading talent innovation talent. In 2019, he wasawarded the fitle of"lianoxi Province Ten Outstandina Young Entrepreneurs" The third prize of ,lianoxi Province Technoloay inventiAward. Joined the company in May 2014 as project manager and factory director successively. Since September 2017, he has servecas director and general manager of the company
Liu Guohua Deputy General Manager March 2021 From July 2001 to March 2010, served as the production plant manager of Jiangsu Chenguang Coupling Agent Co, Ltd , from Marci2010 to March 2018, served as the deputy general manager of Jiangsu Chenguang Coupling Agent Co , Ltd , from March 2018 to 20In March 2003. he served as executive director and general manager of Jiangsu Chenouang Coupling Agent Co.. Ltd. From Marci2021 to present, he has been the deputy general manager of the company.
Liang Qiuhong Board secretary November 2017 Doctoral degree. From 2003 to 2007, Bachelor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University; From 2007 to 2014,Majof Organic Chemistry School of Chemistry and Molecular Science, Wuhan University, Master and PhD co-study. In 2017, he won theDouble Hundreds Doubles and Thousand Talents Proiect" hioh-end talent oatherina plan of livang City for professional and technictalents. In 2019, he won the third prize of Jiangxi Province Technology lnvention Award. From December 2014 to March 2021, heserved as the company's R8D director. and since March 2021. he has served as the company's deputy general manager of R&Since September 2017, he has been the secretary of the company's board of directoir.
Ding Jie Deputy General Manager March 2021 From July 2013 to March 2021, he served as the director of the company's sales center operations department. From March 2021 tpresent, he has been the deputy general manager of the company.
Xu Guowei Deputy General Manager March 2021 From November 2007 to January 2016, he served as the manager of the company's purchasing department, and from January 2016 tMarch 2021 as the manager of the production department. From March 2021 to present, he has been the deputy general manager ofthe company.
Lu jianping Chief fnancial officer 0ctober 2021 He graduated from Jiangxi University of Finance and economics with a double degree. Certifed tax agent, intermediate accountant and intermediate economist. From September 2009 to july 2015, he served as the expatriate financial director of State Grid Yingda Co., Ltd; From August 2015 to July 2020, Co., Ltd; From August 2015 to July 2020,financial director of Huacheng Gas Co., Ltd; From August 2020June 2021,served as the expatriate he served as the expatriate financial director of Ganghua lnvestment Co., Ltd.
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