
Investor Relations

Name Position Date of Employment Introduction
Ding Jianfeng Chairman of theboard September 2017 Professor-level senior engineer, who enjoys the special government allowance of the State Council, was selected as the third batch ofnational"Ten Thousand Talents Program" Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Leaders, the Ministry of Science and Technology"Innovative Talents Promotion Plan Science and Technology nnovation and Entrepreneurship Talents", Jiangxi Province "GanpoTalents 555 Project" Leading talent, successively won the second prize of Jiangxi Province Technical lnvention Award, the third prize oJjangxi Province Technical lnvention Award, Jiujiang City Technical lnvention Award, Jiujiang City Science and Technology ProgressAward and Jiujiang City Excellent atent lnventor Award. In 2018, he was awarded by China Fluorosilicone Organic The MaterialIndustry Association awarded the "Outstanding Achievement Award" to China's fluorosilicon industry. From July 2001 to April 2018, heserved as executive director and general manager of Jiangsu Chenguang. From November 2007 to September 2017, he served as the chairman and general manager of the company. Since October 2017, he has been the chairman of the company.
Ding Bing Director September 2017 Master's degree. From 2009 to 2013, he received a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the School of Biology and Chemical Engineering, lowa State University, from 2013 to 2014, he received a master's degree in chemical engineering from CornelUniversity's School of Chemical Engineering. In 2016, he was named "Jiujiang Top Ten Outstanding Youth", in 2017, he was awarded the "Double Hundred and Double Thousand Talents Project" in Jiujang City as a leading talent innovation talent. In 2019, he wasawarded the title of " ianaxi Province Ten Outstanding Voung Entrepreneurs " The third prize of Jiangxi Province Technology invention Award Joined the company in May 2014 as project manager and factory director successively. Since September 2017 he has served as director and general manager of the company.
Jing Bin Director September 2017 From July 1993 to December 2003, he served as salesman and factory director of Danyang Feihong Color Printing Factory. FrorrDecember 2003 to April 2013, he served as the project manager of Jiangsu Yaotang Landscaping Co., Ltd. Since April 2013, he has served as executive director and general manager of Haojing Borui.
Xu Cuowei Director May 2018 Bachelor degree. From November 2007 to January 2016, he served as the company's purchasing manager, and since January 2016he has been the production manager.
Lin Aimei Independent director November 2017 Doctoral degree, professor. From August 1989 to December 1994, he served as an assistant professor of accounting in the School oiManagement of China University of Mining and Technology. From January 1995 to December 2000, he served as a lecturer inaccounting at the School of Management of China University of Mining and Technology. From January 2001 to December 2010, he served as an associate professor and master's tutor in accounting at the School of Management of China University of Mining anTechnology. Since January 2011, he has been a professor and doctoral supervisor of accounting in the School of Management cChina University of Mining and Technology.
Wang Jianguo Independent director November 2017 Doctoral degree, professor. From July 2003 to November 2005, he was a lecturer of Applied Chemistry in Jiujiang University. From December 2005 to December 2013, he was an associate professor of Chemistry in Jiujiang University, Since January 2014, he has been a professor of chemical technology in Jiujiang University.
Xiong jJinguang Independent director September 2020 From July 1990 to August 1994, he taught in the Marxism Leninism Department of Jiangxi University of Finance and economics. He has been a professor and doctoral supervisor of the school of law of Jiangxi University of Finance and economics since August 1997 He has also served as a senior partner of Beijing Zhongyin (Nanchang) law firm since 2016.
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