
Research patent

For more than 20 years, Chenguang New Materials has been committed to the development, production and application of functional silanes. We always maintain close communication with customers, discuss with them, understand their needs, and guide our R&D and production.
Decades of experience accumulation and our focus on core areas have made us an expert in the functional silane industry and one of the leading suppliers, which is our competitive advantage. The research and development of dozens of products, pilot trials and mass production of more than 60 production lines require a large amount of professional knowledge reserves and stable control of the entire industry chain. In order to provide our customers with more stable and safe services, we choose ourselves to be responsible for all important production steps. From the source of production, we select silicon according to strict standards, to the production of basic raw material trichlorosilane, to the production of various intermediates and finished products, and we have realized the layout of the entire industry chain.
In the production process, hydrogen chloride is not only one of the important production raw materials, but also a by-product in most production processes. The company innovated and used a dry process to recover the hydrogen chloride produced during the production process. This not only effectively solves the environmental pollution caused by the efflux of hydrogen chloride dissolved in water to form hydrochloric acid, but also greatly saves production costs. Therefore, we can provide customers with more competitive products.

Functional silanes greatly enhance the strength and durability of composite materials by improving coupling and filler dispersion. They are a reliable choice for improving process and performance.

Plastics, fiberglass and composite materialsTypical application scenarios of silane-enhanced adhesives and sealants:



Circuit board

Aerospace composite materials

New energy composite materials

Main performance improvements:

N0.1. Improve mechanical performance

N0.2. lmprove electrical performance

N0.3. Improve interface moisture resistance

N0.4. Improve flame retardancy

N0.5. lmprove the efficiency of filler dispersion

N0.6. lmprove the strength and durability of composite materials in wet and dry environments

N0.7. lmprove the integrity and processability of the fiber chain


NO.1 NO.2 NO.3 NO.4 NO.5 NO.6 NO.7 NO.8 NO.9

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